Sailing Adventure

The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers - 2023

16th November to 9 December - 23 nights


If you are going to cross the Atlantic then do it in style. Join us aboard Asante our 57 ft luxury Oyster – considered one of the best bluewater sailing yachts in the world.  Can anyone do it? While ocean experience is certainly not a prerequisite a general love of sailing is, along with a desire to learn and get involved.  You will be immersed in every aspect of this adventure from watch keeping to cooking, from fishing to baking.  But should you want more sailing with us also offers a unique opportunity to further their seamanship skills.  With a Yachtmaster Instructor of both Theory and Practical on board to guide you and a yacht equipped with the latest navigation, communication and safety systems required for a cruise round the world then this is an opportunity rarely afforded.  Learn the amazing capabilities that technology has to offer but while it has its place let us show you, if you wish, the more traditional methods of using a sextant a Walker log and paper charts to navigate your way.  You may wonder why we cross with the ARC.  It affords us the camaraderie of sailing with 200 other yachts.  Our fellow travellers will have gathered from all corners of the globe.  They will be aboard all designs and size of vessel from sleek racing yachts to trusted old faithfuls.  There will be highly experienced sailors looking to make a record crossing and there will be family and friends with children from toddlers to teens all looking to achieve their dream. Friends will be made at the parties ashore before departure, continued over the radio net at sea and solidified over a rum on arrival in St Lucia.

Navigation and Communication Equipment

  • 12” Raymarine Axion Pro Display systems with Navionics charts
  • Rayamine AIS700 class B receiver and transceiver
  • Raymarine Quantum 2 Doppler radar
  • Time Zero Navigator with Cmap charts including real time routing function with live weather input operating on a PC
  • IPad Pro operating Navionics, ORCA and TZiBoat navigation charts and functions
  • Live predict wind pro weather forecasting system
  • Fixed Satellite communication system for weather data, voice calls and e-mails
  • Handheld Satellite phone
  • ICOM M510 VHF radio with AIS with DSC
  • ICOM M804 MF/HF SSB radio with DSC
  • Yellow Brick tracker


Thursday 16th NovemberJoin us aboard Asante at 10am
Friday 17th NovemberYacht preparation
Saturday 18th NovemberYacht preparation
Sunday 19th NovemberDepart Gran Canaria
Mon 20th Nov to Fri 8th DecAtlantic crossing2900NM
Saturday 9th DecemberDepart yacht 10am

Thursday 16th November                           Join us aboard Asante at 10am.  Meet your fellow travellers.  Unpack and relax.  There is plenty to do soon enough but first find your way around the boat and soak up some of the atmosphere on the dock. 

Fri 17th and Sat 18th November              These are days to get up to speed with the yacht.  Whether you are a relative novice or a more experienced sailor, everyone benefits from detailed introductions, safety briefings and training sessions.  You have a highly experienced Yachtmaster Instructor as Skipper and a Commercially Endorsed Yachtmaster Ocean as First Mate to guide you through every aspect that you may need to draw upon for this adventure.  We will be working through all the key sailing manoeuvres such as tacking and gybing, reefing, safety kit demonstrations and knot tying!  In addition to the social events that the ARC offer they also run seminars and talks that we encourage you to listen to.  Prior to your arrival we will have provisioned with all non perishable items but the all important fresh items need to be collected, washed quayside and stored.

Sunday 19th November                              We head out of the marina in convoy as people line the wharf and seawall to cheer us on.  With several class start times the sea is a mass of boats criss crossing awaiting their gun.  And then about 1300hrs we are off and the adventure begins.  We follow the coast south leaving sight of land later in the day.

Mon 20th Nov to Fri 8th Dec                     The variables on an Atlantic crossing are endless.  We estimate to make the passage somewhere between 16 and 20 days but the unknown is what makes an adventure an adventure.  By the end of our first full day we will have found our rhythm.  Watches will be running smoothly, the galley duties alloted and the music playlist agreed!   The fishing line will have been deployed and sealegs will have been found.  After the end of the first full day we may not see any of our fleet on the horizon but we will still hear them on the VHF.  By the end of the first week even that is unlikely.

Our initial course is south until weather and trade winds allow us to turn west towards our destination.  Sight of land many many days later is both a joy to behold but also tinged with sadness knowing the adventure is over. 

Saturday 9th November                              Depart yacht 10am.

Price - 6,910 per person

What’s Included

  • All meals aboard
  • All bedding including towels
  • All fuel and marina cost
  • Lifejackets
  • Your own cabin
  • Daily tuition

What’s Not Included

  • Meals Ashore
  • Sailing & Travel Insurance
  • Travel to and from Asante
  • Waterproof Clothing

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